
The purpose of AATIE is to create strength and confidence for the individual Indian origin Investor living in the United States. Many individual investors of Indian origin living in United States lost their money and time as they could not deal with the issues and problems individually. By joining as a team, these individual investors can get better deals and returns with a lot lower risk. In a nut-shell, it is all Team Work!

AATIE's Business Purpose

To represent and create awareness among the Investors of Indian origin in the United States.
To work with the Indian Government in improving the NRI Investment policies for mutual benefit.
To help the Businesses that seek investments.

Background and History

AATIE is incorporated on May 26th, 2014 with the State of New Jersey, USA by Prasad Kunisetty. It was the Memorial Day in United States and Mr. Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister in India.

A week earlier, on May 20th, Prasad made a post on his Facebook page regarding the same and it received enourmous response leading to the formation of AATIE.

There were several conference calls and discussions to finalize the structure of the company. Many people joined as members by paying an introductory $25 life-time membership fee. It took several months of discussions and brain-storming by the members to give it a final shape. Finally all most after a year, on May 1st, 2015, AATIE made its first investment.